Total Solutions Services

Our Total Solution Services provides a complete, yet customized total aircraft solution based on your needs and characteristics. Our precise and adaptive approach will bring an absolute certainty towards your cost-effective aircraft reliability.

Proven Engineering Solution

Our long journey in handling Garuda Group has proven our expertise in aircraft maintenance planning in a very cost-effective way.

Guaranteed Service Level

With our extensive capabilities, qualified manpower, and quality system, we will always fulfill your expectations at every detail aspects that leads to your aircraft reliability and business operations.

Integrated Supply Chain Management

Our integrated supply chain management is backed up by our well-proven material and logistic department that will ensure a seamless operation, includes in providing spare availability.

Predictable, yet Reasonable Cost

To make it more efficient, we also provide you several alternative payment scheme that suits with your conditions.

Extensive Warranty Services

Transparent and Real Time

Absolute Certainty

Simplify administrative